The Psalmistry

Original Music for the 150 Psalms


1. Heaven declares the glory of our God!
The skies proclaim the works of Your hand.
There is no speech devoid of their voices.
They spread Your glory over the land.

Like a champion in heaven,
triumphantly sweeps Your sun:
shedding warmth upon us all,
touching ev'ryone.

2.Your law, O Lord, is perfect, life giving.
Your precepts, Lord, bring joy to the heart.
Your law, O Lord, is pure and enduring.
Radiant, indeed, the Light it imparts!

Your laws are more precious,
more precious than pure gold, O Lord!
Sweeter they than honey, Lord—
their guidance, my re ward!

3.Who can discern the error of their way?
Forgive me, Lord, of my hidden flaws.
Keep me, O Lord, from willful transgressions.
Keep me tucked safely within Your Law.






© 1995-2005 Stephen J. Pearson